
Our Conductor, Susan Sands

Susan Sands has been the conductor of the East Winds Symphonic Band since 1990. She received her B.M. degree in Music Education, specializing in Oboe, from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. Susan also received her M.Ed. in Music from The Pennsylvania State University. Susan has performed with the Harrisburg Symphony and the Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra with both the Oboe and English Horn. She is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota in Pittsburgh, serves on the Sudler Silver Scroll Adjudication Committee for the John Philip Sousa Foundation, and is a Past-President and the current Historian of the Association of Concert Bands.


The East Winds Symphonic Band Association is governed by a Board of Directors, which manages all of the business affairs related to a quality symphonic band providing an opportunity for musicians to play and providing musical performances for the general public. Our current board members are:

  • Nanette Mancuso, President
  • Steve Kinsel, Vice President
  • Pat Deleonibus, Treasurer
  • Julie Meyer, Secretary
  • Doug Ripper
  • Greg Zawacki
  • Susan Sands – Ex Officio & Conductor